Laiik Makes Greek Food: Bougatsa

bougatsa greek dessert

Delightfully creamy in the middle, light and crispy all around, bougatsa is the perfect Greek dessert for the onset of fall! And we're making it this month! So grab your shoes, head to the market for the ingredients, and come make Greek food with us. 

Preparation time: 15 mins 

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Portions: 6-8


For the Bougatsa

  • 1 pack of phyllo dough
  • 10 tbsp of butter (1 and ¼ sticks)

For the filling

  • 1.5 liters of fresh milk (or a little under 6.5 cups)
  • 1 full cup of fine semolina 
  • 1 full cup of white sugar
  • 3 grams vanilla powder (or 1 tbsp vanilla extract)
  • 60 grams butter (or 4.25 tbsp) (cold)

For serving

  • Icing sugar
  • Cinnamon powder
ingredients for bougatsa greek food, dessert



Filling Preparation

  1. In a pot, add the milk and the sugar on medium heat - do not stir before the milk comes to its first simmer.
  2. Add the semolina and mix continuously, until the mixture starts becoming thick
  3. Remove from the heat
  4. Add and mix the vanilla powder and the cold butter (which helps bring the temperature of the mixture down)
  5. Place in a bowl, and cover with plastic wrap - allow to cool

Bougatsa preparation

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 DegF 
  2. Melt the butter in a pot
  3. Layer the file sheets one by one on the bottom of the baking tray (ideally 22x33 cm), making sure to brush each one with melted butter. You will need a minimum of 5 file sheets for the bottom, and another 5 on the top - however you can add more if you prefer to make a thicker crust
  4. Tip the filling into the tray, and smooth the surface with a spatula
  5. Cover the filling with another 5 phyllo sheets (or more if you like), Again, brush melted butter on the phyllo sheets
  6. Use a knife to cut the excess phyllo, alternatively you can tuck it into the side of the tray.
  7. Bake in the oven at 350 DegF for 40-45 minutes, until the phyllo becomes a golden brown colour


  1. Sprinkle with icing sugar and cinnamon powder. 
bougatsa greek dessert